5 Common Commercial HVAC Issues to Keep in Mind in Rolesville, NC

Many businesses in and around Rolesville, NC, face HVAC issues due to the changing weather patterns. If you suspect a commercial HVAC problem, here are five major reasons that can help you understand and solve such issues.

1. Leaking Refrigerant

Refrigerant plays an important role in maintaining the temperature of an HVAC system. If you feel that the system isn’t working as it should, it could be that the refrigerant levels are low or there’s a leak. A qualified technician can check your refrigerant levels, add the refrigerant, replace the refrigerant coil or use other preemptive measures.

2. Loss of Efficiency

A lot of times, you will feel that the HVAC system isn’t operating according to its full potential. You can sense inefficiency if there is an unexplained rise in the energy bill or when the system works harder by running more often. Under such conditions, call an HVAC technician to look into the matter.

3. Poor Air Quality

It’s not uncommon for the occupants of commercial buildings to complain about breathing issues and poor air quality. The cause of such poor air quality may be a dirty or clogged air filter. Therefore, it’s imperative that the building manager change air filters regularly.

If you feel that some areas of the building are colder or warmer than others, it can be due to dampers. Dampers inside the ductwork control the airflow to different parts of the building. A properly trained technician can balance the dampers to create a smooth airflow inside a building.

4. Malfunctioning Thermostat

Whenever you suspect a problem with an HVAC system, the first thing is to check the thermostat. If the battery inside the thermostat is weak, the system may not be responding appropriately. Since the HVAC system communicates with a thermostat to operate, replacing the battery can sometimes solve the issue quickly.

5. Unexplained Noises

Unusual noises from the commercial HVAC system are often due to loose parts. Similarly, clattering noises can come from unfastened doors and fans that aren’t lubricated. If the problem persists, call a professional to identify noises that may be problems.

Call Alford Mechanical where we help businesses solve commercial HVAC problems. Since 2000, we’ve been providing heating and cooling solutions.

Image provided by iStock

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